Numerous rangers work in protected areas through out Europe and other continents of the world. Rangers work for nature, protecting it and its wildlife. The work of rangers can be challenging yet fulfilling and rewarding at the same time. It is important that every ranger
gets the training and preparations that makes him/her better equipped to take on the ranger work. A standard ranger training is an important tool to maintain and distribute knowledge and increase professionalism within the ranger class.
Ranger training across Europe is diverse and varies greatly between countries. The ERF endeavours to increase the professionalism of rangers, to support the training of rangers, including own courses, and to bring rangers around the world closer together.
The ERF is focussing on on site training, accompanied by online offers to connect to further develop the ranger profession.
Do you have ideas for further training or would you like to organise one? We are looking forward to hearing from you:
Romanian ranger training: conservation requires support of locals
Nowhere else in Europe can you learn as much about the coexistence of humans and wildlife as in Romania: No…
“Involving locals in the Ranger team is key to successful rewilding”
As one of the trainers for our rewilding and conflict management training in Romania last March, Catalin Josan passed on…
Learning at eye level: Romanian rangers share rewilding and conflict resolution experience
Behind the rangers from a dozen European countries lie three days full of insights into how the rangers from the…
Join our ranger training on Rewilding & Human-Wildlife Conflicts!
The conservation policy goal of expanding protected areas and rewilding projects have consequences for local residents. As rangers work on…
K9 training shows practical use of dogs in ranger work
We have just carried out our first international K9 Training in cooperation with the Special Canine Group (GEK9) of the…
ERF Image & Fundraising workshop: Making society understand its need for rangers
Last week 20 rangers of 13 European countries met in Dartmoor National Park, UK, for our Image & Fundraising Workshop.…
Watch our Online Training on Digital Tools for Rangers
An insightful Online Training on Digital Tools for Rangers lies behind us and 25 participants from about 20 different countries…
K9 Training: Learning first-hand how a K9 ranger unit works
Until 6 June, you as a ranger working with dogs still have the opportunity to register for our K9 Training:…
Storytelling not bans: Rangers train to connect people and nature
"Everything is a story" is the motto of Bo Storm, Danish ranger and certified Nature Interpreter. In our Nature Interpretation…
Online courses on social safeguards, conflict and fund management
Working in conservation also means contributing to the well-being of people. But conservation projects can have a direct social impact…
“My drone has more functions due to the course”
The first international ERF drone training for rangers hit the mark, as can be seen from the feedback of the…
Drone training: Adding modern technology to the ranger toolkit
Using drones out in the field has many benefits for rangers: It's a versatile, fast response tool that can gather…
Storytelling: an essential tool for environmental education
Our ranger training on environmental education is all about storytelling: Denmark's rangers will show and let participants try out for…
Watch our online training Dogs for Conservation
Rangers, conservationists and dog experts from all over the world joined us for our online training on Dogs for Conservation…
Out in the Carpathians: A ranger reports for rangers on our training
How do rangers in Romania manage large predators? How do they involve the local population and prevent conflicts? These were…
Watch part two of our anti-poaching webinar series
Volunteering can be an important support to the work of rangers, including in the fight against poaching. In our webinar…
Coming soon: Online Training Dogs for Conservation
Make sure to save that date if you're into dogs and conservation: On Thursday, 8 December, Wesley Visscher, CEO of Scent…
Join us for part two of our series on anti-poaching and volunteer engagement
The next episode of our anti poaching seminar in cooperation with Israel Nature and Parks Authority will be offered as…
Info flyer on large carnivore training in Romania – pre-register now
Cold season is approaching fast - the best time to go tracking in the snow. That's exactly what we're inviting…
Tracking bears and wolves: Visiting Carpathians as precursor to ranger training
In preparation to our November ranger seminar on Biodiversity, Large Carnivores and Local Communities, we spent a week on site…
Report on Train-the-Trainer Findings in Bavarian Forest National Park
Rangers from Europe and from the German Twinning partner Israel recently met in the Bavarian Forest National Park for a…
Anti poaching webinars: Spreading knowledge to save rangers’ lives
This year's World Ranger Day was a double occasion to celebrate for us as European Ranger Federation (ERF) and the…
Participants from 16 countries joined anti-poaching webinar – watch it now
Our kick-off of the anti-poaching webinar series was a double success: more than 50 participants of 16 countries from Nepal…
Anti poaching webinars start on World Ranger Day
Soon it will be off: On World Ranger Day our anti poaching webinars will start. This will not only be…
“We need to get back into international exchange on pressing issues”
🇬🇧🇩🇪 The issues for rangers in Europe are pressing, while exchange and learning from each other has been difficult recently…
8 tips for conflict management
In many European countries, more and more people are crowding into nature, recently pushed by the pandemic. This increases conflicts…
“The increase in visitors is as challenging as vital for conservation”
🇬🇧 🇩🇪 We continue our series on national ranger associations with the UK Countryside Management Association (CMA). Chloe Bradbrooke works…
Between conflict management and education for sustainable development
🇬🇧 🇩🇪 Read the first interview of our new series: Many of our member associations are meeting face-to-face again for…
“If we don’t join forces now, we will lose our wildlife”
Poaching is a serious problem for conservation, not only in Africa. The Israel National Park Authority (INPA) and the European…
Coming soon: Anti-poaching webinar series in May 22
Which instruments help to fight poaching? How could law inforcement work properly and how do rangers stay safe? These are…
Biodiversity as a complex issue of nature education using the example of large carnivors
Proposed venue (and backup-region): Carpathians, Romania (Bieszczady National Park, Poland) Special focus of biodiversity issues: Successful communication of complexe ecological…
Biodiversity as a complex issue of nature education using the example of nature interpretation
Proposed venue (and backup-region): Denmark (Austria) Special focus of biodiversity issues: Educational work for rangers including the concept of nature…
Working with Junior- and Volunteer-Rangers
Proposed venue (and backup-region): Bavarian Forest National Park (Black Forest National Park) Special focus of biodiversity issues: Educational work with…