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Ranger Interviews & Portraits

How do European rangers work, what are their current concerns and what news and solutions to ranger challenges do they report? In our interviews with representatives of national ranger associations and individual rangers, we clarify these questions.

In our ranger portraits we want to know from the rangers personally what drives and keeps them going, whereas our double portrait “Two Rangers, Two Projects" shows ranger projects that are close to the hearts of the portrayed and important for society at the same time.

When locals themselves take an active role in nature conservation, they become the greatest advocates for the protection of ‘their’ species and habitats. Around a ...
Two years ago in December, we informed about the tragic death of Spanish ranger Juan Pedro de la Cruz Sagredo. Today we report on his ...
Following the premiere of the holiday programme for orphaned ranger children between the Spanish ranger aid organisation AMINTA and the British ranger association CMA, we ...
In the Netherlands, rangering is a lot about interacting with people: While only 10 percent of the densely populated country of the Netherlands consists of ...
Letting nature lead its own recovery: this, roughly speaking, is the rewilding approach. For Amy Duthie, however, there is much more to rewilding. One thing ...
Environmental education – clearly, these are visitor tours, lectures and the like, which are part of many rangers’ tasks. Not so clear to many European ...
What is it like for women to work in the male-dominated ranger profession? Silva Lanfranchi wanted to know. In her research for studies, platforms and ...
As one of the trainers for our rewilding and conflict management training in Romania last March, Catalin Josan passed on his expertise to rangers from ...
We have accumulated enough knowledge about the protection of biodiversity. Now it has to be implemented urgently – also with the help of rangers. That’s ...
The EUROPARC Federation and the European Ranger Federation (ERF) are two European conservation organisations with many overlaps – the first is an established network for ...
It took quite a bit of detective work, close collaboration between experts of three countries, experience and a good deal of luck to turn the ...
If you ask Armando Di Marino about his working life, he says that he never worked – that’s how little his four decades as a ...
Shifting Baseline Syndrome – sounds complicated, but it’s not really: People today are losing knowledge of previous generations about nature and take what they know ...
Where there are officially no rangers, their services are all the more needed. Whether combating environmental crime, cooperating with locals in protected areas or providing ...
The recent Europarc Conference in Leeuwarden, the Netherlands, attracted a record-breaking 500 participants in the 50th anniversary year of the Europarc Federation. Among them was ...
How important cooperation is among rangers: Gjuro Jovcheski and Aleksandar Gugoski can tell you a thing or two about that. While the Rangers in the ...
They are rangers from two very different regions united by one terrible experience: war. We wanted to understand what this means for the work and ...
The still young Republic of Montenegro is famous for its natural treasures, attracting more and more tourists: According to the World Travel & Tourism Council, ...
Without volunteers, much of Iceland’s nature conservation would lie idle. Once part of the Icelandic volunteer program as a conservation volunteer herself, Julie Kermarec is ...
It has received several awards and is now a proud 25 years old: the Junior Ranger Programme of the Bavarian Forest National Park. With years ...

ERF Ranger Leaves program: Sponsors help Rangers to help Rangers

Rangers helping Rangers sometimes seek help themselves. This is the case with our ‘Ranger Leaves’ sponsorship programme: a ranger contacts…

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ERF Ranger Leaves program: Sponsors help Rangers to help Rangers
Spanish Ranger orphans spend holiday with UK Ranger families

Spanish Ranger orphans spend holiday with UK Ranger families

Two years ago in December, we informed about the tragic death of Spanish ranger Juan Pedro de la Cruz Sagredo.…

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