One of the most important things to Rangers is to get young people involved in nature protection. Several countries in Europe are running successful Junior Ranger Programs.
What do Junior Rangers do?
Junior Rangers are exploring wildlife together with other Junior Rangers and a Ranger. They learn how to protect nature for the future generations. Junior Rangers stay in direct contact with nature and together they have a lot of fun and they love to stay outdoors no matter how the weather is. They discover, feel and enjoy nature!

Junior Ranger also work nature, for example on nature protection projects or in visitor centres. They help with maintenance tasks and help Rangers on monitoring projects.

How old are Junior Rangers?
Each country has their own rules about the age of Junior Rangers. Most commonly, they are aged between 7 and 18 years old.

Are they internationally connected?
Junior Rangers, like Rangers, are well connected between different countries. There are existing exchange programs like Junior Ranger Camps in several countries. ERF works very well together with the Junior Ranger program from the Europarc Federation

Which countries do already have JR Programs?
Currently there are Junior Ranger Programs running in these countries (Map of EUROPARC)
How can I start a Junior Ranger Program in my area?
You are working as a Ranger and want to establish a Junior Ranger Program within your Nature Reserve or Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty? Use these ERF guidelines to build up step by step a JR program in your area OR: Just check one of the listed European JR-programs and get in touch with your national organisation. If you need more help feel free to contact the ERF Project Officer or the Europarc Federation for more details.