Albania |
Albania National Parks Association |
N/A |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Croatia |
Croation Association of Supervisors and Guardians of Nature |
N/A |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Czech Republic |
Asociace Strazcu Prirody CR |
https://www.strazci-prirody.cz/ |
N/A |
1 - Full |
Denmark |
Danish Nature Interpretation Association |
http://www.Naturvejleder.dk |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
England/Wales/ Northern Ireland |
Countryside Management Association (CMA) |
http://www.countrysidemanagement.org.uk |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Finland |
Suomen Rangerit |
N/A |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Finland |
ProRepovesi |
https://prorepovesi.fi |
N/A |
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France |
Gardes Nature de France |
https://gardesnaturedefrance.org/ |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Georgia |
Georgian Ranger Association |
N/A |
Facebook |
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Germany |
Bundesverband Naturwacht e.V. |
http://www.bundesverband-naturwacht.de |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Iceland |
Landvarðafélag Íslands |
http://www.landverdir.is |
Facebook |
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Israel |
The Hai Bar, Israel Nature and Heritage Association |
http://www.inhf.org.il |
Facebook |
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Italy |
Associazione Italiana Guardie dei Parchi e delle Aree Protette (AIGAP) |
http://www.guardiaparco.it |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Moldova |
Inspectorii Voluntari de Mediu – Rangerii |
N/A |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Northern/Southern Ireland |
Ranger Association of Ireland |
N/A |
N/A |
1 - Full |
Poland |
Polskie Towarzystwo Służb Ochrony Przyrody (PTSOP) |
http://www.ptsop.org.pl |
N/A |
1 - Full |
Portugal |
Associação Portuguesa de Guardas e Vigilantes da Natureza (APGVN) |
http://www.apgvn.blogspot.pt/ |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Romania |
Romanian Ranger Association |
http://www.ranger.ro/ |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Russia |
Rangers Association of Russia |
N/A |
N/A |
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Scotland |
Scottish Countryside Rangers Association |
https://scra-online.co.uk/ |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Slovakia |
Slovak Rangers Association |
http://www.strazprirody.sk |
N/A |
1 - Full |
Spain |
Asociacion Espanola de Agentes Forestales y Medioambientales (AEAFMA) |
http://www.aeafma.es/ |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Sweden |
Svenska Ranger- och Naturvårdsföreningen |
https://www.swedish-rangers.se/ |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Switzerland |
Swiss Rangers |
http://www.swiss-rangers.ch |
Facebook |
1 - Full |
Malta |
Malta Ranger Unit |
N/A |
Facebook |
2 - Prov |
Serbia |
Ranger Association of Vojvodina |
N/A |
N/A |
2 - Prov |
Austria |
Austrian Ranger Association |
N/A |
N/A |
2- Prov |
Austria |
European Wilderness Society |
https://wilderness-society.org |
Facebook |
3 - Ass |
Bulgaria |
National Protected Areas Control Agency |
https://controlagency.eu |
Facebook |
3 - Ass |
Cambridge, United Kingdom |
Fauna and Flora International |
https://www.fauna-flora.org/ |
Facebook |
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Czech Republic |
Justice for Nature |
https://www.justicefornature.org/ |
Facebook |
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England (Europe) |
Force for Nature |
http://www.forcefornature.org |
Facebook |
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Hungary |
Hungarian Ranger Association |
N/A |
N/A |
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Italy |
Volontari d'Europa - Onlus |
http://www.volontarideuropa.org |
Facebook |
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Lebanon |
Wolves of Lebanon |
http://wolvesoflebanon.org/ |
Facebook |
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London |
Zoological Society of London |
http://www.zsl.org |
Facebook |
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Luxembourg |
Öewersauer Nature Park |
https://www.naturpark-sure.lu/ |
Facebook |
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Netherlands |
Ranger Campus Foundation |
https://rangercampus.org/ |
Facebook |
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Shalford, London |
The SockStar Project |
http://www.thesockstarproject.org |
N/A |
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Switzerland |
Griffin Ranger GmbH |
https://griffin-ranger.ch/ |
Facebook |
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Ukraine |
National Nature Park Desna-Stara Huta |
http://www.nppds.inf.ua/ |
Facebook |
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