Many Countryside and Urban Green Space organisations utilise volunteers in one way or another to add value to what they do. There are many reasons why volunteers can be important and a much valued addition but without careful and considered management, things can go wrong.

We would like to be able to discuss and address the issues relating to the use of volunteers by enabling the sharing of experiences with Ranger Associations across Europe. This may help to solve ongoing problems or even enable organisations, thinking about taking on volunteers for the first time, take the plunge! It is also a wonderful opportunity to ‘shout about’ and celebrate the incredible contribution that volunteers make to successful countryside management.

One way of doing this is to make and share short videos about your particular volunteer experience.

Israeli Volunteers led by Sharon Golan recently produced a video on this subject that can be used as an example of what you can do.


Why not follow this format and produce your own video or pick particular topics about your Organisation Structure, Tasks/Projects, Training, Uniforms, Insurance, Disabilities, Motivation, Recruitment and Retention and more about working with volunteers!

If you are interested in producing a short video and allowing it to be used on this website, please contact either Ian Brooker or Sharon Golan