The island of Malta (316 km²) has been recruiting volunteer rangers in the Majjistral Nature and History Park to help patrol the Park and to report any irregularity or illegality they encounter. These volunteer rangers will also be involved in activities organised by the Park, including assisting in the removal of invasive plants; wall building; assisting with visitor management during event and participating in clean ups.

The Park’s area includes a stretch of 6km of protected coast designated as part of a larger Special Area of Conservation within the Natura 2000 network of sites as per the European Habitats Directive. The directive calls for the effective management of such sites through the adoption and implementation of management plans. It also contains a number of historical and archaeological sites , whilst other areas of the park still sustain agricultural activities. The The park organises regular outdoor activities which aim to encourage an active lifestyle while becoming aware of the natural heritage of the area. Educational school visits are held during the cooler months while summer sees more of a focus on the coast with guided snorkelling