Which instruments help to fight poaching? How could law inforcement work properly and how do rangers stay safe? These are some of the topics of the webinar series offered by Israel Nature & Parks Authority (INPA) and the European Ranger… Read More

Which instruments help to fight poaching? How could law inforcement work properly and how do rangers stay safe? These are some of the topics of the webinar series offered by Israel Nature & Parks Authority (INPA) and the European Ranger… Read More
Proposed venue (and backup-region): Carpathians, Romania (Bieszczady National Park, Poland) Special focus of biodiversity issues: Successful communication of complexe ecological issues using the example of lynx, bear and wolf Additionally trainings for monitoring of large carnivors, anti-poaching and current challenges… Read More
Proposed venue (and backup-region): Denmark (Austria) Special focus of biodiversity issues: Educational work for rangers including the concept of nature interpreattion Successful communication of complexe ecological issues using the example of migrating birds and overtourism as current challenge for rangers… Read More
Proposed venue (and backup-region): Bavarian Forest National Park (Black Forest National Park) Special focus of biodiversity issues: Educational work with kids and youths in biodiversity focussing on migrating birds, insect-diversity, large carnivors, photopollution and international cooperations. Cooperations with other associations:… Read More