Our Mission:
Connecting Europe’s rangers to empower them in their work for Planetary Health and making them heard as the Voice of Nature: That is the mission under which we work as European Ranger Federation for the rangers on our continent.
As diverse as the landscapes, habitats and species on our continent are, the rangers’ expertise in specialised areas of nature conservation is just as broad – be it environmental education, engaging with locals, the fight against poaching and disasters or specific species and habitat protection.
However, it is precisely this central role of the rangers that is still lacking awareness in the relevant authorities: Throughout Europe, rangers lack adequate pay, human and material resources and sufficient access to training.
Networking of rangers for empowerment & uniting their voices to make key role visible
This makes it all the more important to bring Europe’s rangers and their diverse, highly specialised skills together to empower them for all aspects of their work. In line with the sustainable development goals, this work ultimately leads to winning people over for sustainable action, integrating them into the protection of life on land & under water and helping to reduce inequalities by preserving natural resources.
We as European Ranger Federation are addressing both: Bundling rangers’ voice into a strong voice for nature to make it heard in international decisions impacting nature. And to create a stable basis for professional exchange by establishing a sustainable structure for it, containing a programme of networking and training on the one hand and strengthening national ranger organisations & networks in their work for appropriate, safe working conditions, especially for female rangers, on the other hand.
In doing so, we aim to reach
Our Vision:
To be a strong, inclusive network of rangers that significantly fosters a well-equipped, highly skilled and diverse ranger community on our continent, promoting solidarity among each other, engaging local communities in conservation, preserving cultural and natural heritage and making an indispensable contribution to planetary health.